Brad Kenny

English Artist

I am a dyslexic artist who creates vibrant portrait art and I am drawn to crafting brushstrokes and paint into visual messages that convey his ideas and emotions more clearly than any words in a sentence could. The limitless expression possible through art gives me a language to more deeply explore and articulate my sitters’

Kenny’s collectors include Tom Jones and his works are held in private collections, internationally, with pieces in the United States, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Russia, and several other countries. Kenny has also be featured on UK Channel 4 documentary episode “Flawless”.

Damien Hirst Carbon Offset

by Brad Kenny

  • ‘Working with a new medium is exciting and challenging. I thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with these plant paints and I am pleasantly surprised about how vibrant these natural colours are. Even with this limited colour palette as dictated by the placrylic art fair exhibition rules, I was able to work in my expressive style with bold brushstrokes and strong movement’
    This portrait of Damien Hirst is from one of the many photographs taken on that historical day in 2022 when Hirst burned original paintings that had been sold as NFTs. Painted by English artist, Brad Kenny using a limited placrylic colour palette of blue yellow green and black.

  • Placrylic on Canvas

  • £20,000

  • November 2022

  • 65 × 80 cm


branden tighe


boo deity